Located in Charleston, Massachusetts, in the Boston Naval Yard, this 70,000 square foot medical office building sits adjacent to the Spaulding Rehabilitation Center. This project is a mixed-use structure, with a focus on rehabilitating individuals that have lost a limb (prosthetics). The intention of this project, expressed as a haiku, aims to create a journey and convey the feeling of the patients as they journey through life with the loss of a limb. The journey of inner and outer healing is expressed through light in this sculptural form, through the experiential procession throughout the structure. The haiku is as follows:
Netted in a can.
Sky caving; Light Pierces me.
Firmament glows.

Iterative process started with watercolor and ink paintings, and proceeded with the making of the void within the structure. After the void was created, exploratory form making was commenced around the void (foam models).

Interior Perspective