Libraries are a beautiful opportunity to seek knowledge, growth, and create meaningful connections with other people within the community. This 20,000 square foot library was designed as the epicenter for the city that promotes change. Change can be beautiful, even when we are in a dark place in our life. Sometimes change is thrust upon us in life, and it can be slow and painful. Thus, the structure emulates the tension and beauty of change through solid/void relationships in form, light, and compression and release.

This project started with an investigation of light and form through models. What does tension and beauty look like architecturally, and how is that expressed? How do form and light interact together to create meaningful spaces? Light studies were done in model, and once the final form was complete, the study was digital.

Final Form Perspective.

Fourth Floor: Ultra Quiet Reading Space, Perspective.

The fourth-floor indoor space was recorded digitally over a day showing the intention manifested ephemerally in the space.